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Pascal Üçgeni ve Binom Açılımı

Sal Khan, Pascal üçgenini tanıtıp, binom açılımlarındaki katsayıları bulmak için bunu nasıl kullanabileceğimizi gösteriyor. Orijinal video Sal Khan tarafından hazırlanmıştır.

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Video açıklaması

inject video mr. arteburn and Orange Cove it's not my kitchen be no match alumni cool a mystic Bazooka Joe said Omar inviolable donors Dhabi kvetching upset masala our arts been and R&D lab Eden Jessica's in Djokovic Akiba Dhabi Kuwait lurching Upshaw say dr. RAM Dada cool installer to move eternity arm addition momento do not the arbitration may Yolo no girls dear Djem Pascal Ashkenazim on scholarship way on tomorrow's Nikita schmoozer never conscious Sheila our tasered or the be no machi Lumiere Napa's college journalist a pleasure my building scallop Lolita regard I assume are too babe art babe user ape tour des our pages past college gain knowledge to jam Eukarya Beria's Eric Vashti Rose poor dumb bastard owes a subtle are the key subtle are the key parameter may catch Berkeley older knowledgeable James s appears what are much less um Maria Angela take P or like a little my iron shaky LaBrea that's AG p all might make you changes after the booty room acacho linoleum washable them poured on my board an achy shakyla Butera Masada jboden a booty remain as sad as a Buddha knowledgeably the mama or to the key tiramisu yellow shoe shaky Lola Shiblon the oranges attract Elam Maria take me oh Lola shameless I'm a bond each in each role what a key are the beers which shall sure sure yeah the shakyla Iron Man tech nah Iron Man tech lab receipts in there John was booted me change in EdTech be all what sunny Saturday high calum Shinjuku vated Ortolani father a generation to Saturday coup lunges the Ferengi covet boob identical words he can do Corvettes you change a Corvettes or than Jewett's Masada gatech P oh Lola Shabnam well tell him at darts alums wrath sure sure sure xuxa killed at her altar say kill the algae old analyst abilities which far Clio booty remap each far cleo de poder met the lazy LaBrea algae Alma's Brea each art abyss Virgil was a breather sorry JB always bamboo Narracott Salah al-din's earlier boo issue Safra lon boo issue be rollin Buddha is a column if Adam can say Lebanon cut celery hearts bananas should be rolled under B no Madame de ala nabina cuts a little bit they bearded arts burning kerosene they say occur at art Arbor Arts Beca red bull Maruchan jerk of a teaching hot seller adored and Kuwait and cut sailor double knot mm valaria zalem cut sailor B's dart out darts baby roll Jack Pakeha Nickerson and hangi termite old NASA Bureau a thermal about Sherman and a execve Atilla r0 darts board an assault iraqis Iran either each arc Arab either bears their eyes they resurface but abilities can jete tombe and shukhevich Ananya's mamaj theorem baby suffered bears at ABARES bakery bears a rich the Bears at a dart a butcher a near top theorem a sananda are to bear their door the national debt them boo you car they ask them not a mom and I need are the dirt poor technicians you Karthik EKG theorem ashada kicking their methods Jordans give Pascal HK Nibbana is uncharted peekaboo Nozzolio pass college Canaan NASA in some garden Alomar kitchen Exeter Larabar column RT been encouraged now Marcus theorem Vonda and Jagger mystic arts babe sharper are our Tibet name is Dr Weber bar owner topless parent is the Chatham's the archer / accolade that they accredit when insanity Oliver so listen up Artie Archer babe boo HR promised Archer epidemic Artie birch are poohbear Buddha pecking order Buddhist arrogance ratio a career leadsmen in catch all of ours by board Aquila chart McCray sorry JB all what Becca returned occasionally Dolores Sade jabbers bubay eboard Aquila chart Mack Peggy our veteran line leads manicotti olive rr0 beer beer beer tourniquet Alan Alda that is icky they should call what boo I should bail HR publicist yeah the border ke sure the calhr publicist top lambda equal mu soir well that's my kitchen Archer uber let my kitchen top lambda a column of our wiki Terry metropolitan as des arc AR AR te Kura Bay Artie Becker elder that is farkakte Sonesta mom and i nikhat sailor beers DK beers a beer a key this another Merlin let's - knowledgeably all of us are BL Desmond and Aquila but the bakery let's my Nandina be all about take be all of us each intercalated Chania problem occupy let's my name be all about our chart Barack thank you pitching asada JBL was a car HRP Bay : l date abilities on a new car they supplement ik ik r HR / bei le tienen mucho levar my boo boo the great listeners our chart Becca relates when an ene each other what a boner top Larson as our Art Basel H and H aluminum Aleutians