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Heron Formülünün İspatı 1

Salman, Heron formülünü -sadece kenar uzunluklarını kullanarak üçgenin alanını bulma- ispatlıyor. Orijinal video Sal Khan tarafından hazırlanmıştır.

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Video açıklaması

PNM k-beauty enemies VARs Birla beauty enemies VARs the butch can entire buildings take shaken Arizona parent who can harness on our who can harness on the bear punky that Jeb this damn Beach cannon all honorable moms Eastern Europe poking a cutter Hep C for me Daniel on the couch can Alana dedicate beautifully cape sharper table on Sharpie exactly which is mega rich canon table on a jack and are all do am i exactly in a big mirrors who hey you except in an arch exactly and although hakama hitch be fatima's yoke you exactly miss her sorrow shoe voyage canal on a NASA Belarus pier on Jake video is that is in his hair informal nakulan jams on llama semesters a mobo video day of mug stadium say hair informal name is Patrick Harran formalin is partly a purchase snips a quarter and McCullen Eric hey Abel my child solemn hey bull dr. horrible formula cleric which can other nicer plate leaders at you exactly ahead addict arched addiction beta and autonomy alum geometry debris on Thomas six cashless Jackson knows whose Amla XD LM Pam Eckener except amor Kenneth J exit solar dimmer janky Buchanan tamama Jo sananda mukha svanasana except book assam j xh solar juniper learning is that Ditka Geraldo Nagar a Cubano bolero string key exactly bo e key far clips according to me as a bliss I'm just altar of your poem Excalibur arts hecarim ash Karev haters a career boosts altar after huge content lemon jelly limbs otter after Kenneth J XIX century Sir Arthur Ashe Courage a cheaters Bakara are damaged a building versus a clickable many Ikeda inclement let me show look bill Mandel our eggs mirage after lambie's hey achieve all my soldiers chunky cheese at Emilio's hey bull domes an alarm for me no legal abilities taking ossible just attacked under OSHA checkup a checkup I came to thank lambda here nails just polydemic a mangosteen atomic Buddha and a hey honest bra column X curry Kashia tar sack the after avatar sack ash Karev a satyr a curette XA XK roller chain the Buddha Allah bordick a hacker and in Han in kerosene in ocean currents nearness jizz oh they can see declension Adonis Jack J except Accenture is a heart shape ash Karev solar couch generates put in tandem blue sky are correct are correct XE X Koresh its pioneering calcium occur m x-x crab a shatters Becca red who died after Akshay board Ikeda a butcher mahir miasmic shin the buoy far they are cello jx6 encouraged net judge Jacob XE e ki j ex parte X Cara solid Awami do XL a correct result Yoram are Tokarev XE X correct Rebecca red Excalibur Excalibur binoculars bull market iki JX the director of our stock tanked emission adventures jaycara art occur f EK j XD Arthur of atoms chain voltage Sheikh Ahmad Satar Beck Arab art Ikki Jake's Nozick fix Carole are building a future derby de aqui JX d Arthur of art kept cicadas emerge must exit jack mech exit shaker sec hey ashada blog liras solder the form Louie galleries exit checkmark agenda item inheritor of Tom Baker each column no loose jaw Karev art say a career X Becca Reve theater aqui Jake's character of enjoyable are sick icky Jebel are sick jaycara art a career except Becca Reb well Iike jab a sitter eggs olive Jordans give extracted imagine as you say Clio lash Mac so Donna Tobin and year see the chart pop Alana bulges punishing tetrapod in Canada knows where you exactly take euros a chronic browser shock I am vizcano Belarus you know boleros Dukes a clinker sa Exeter acara XCX Karev poor ducky Excalibur nunca Rossini assalam xyx cadet exploited in in terminations yes arose jaycara RZ r km x bekaa valley iki GA usury get booted on excursions Hazarajat rustic all the ash peshwa a todos character kitchen - my father drank the extreme solar character kitchen Deb I am EXCI Jacob RZ occur f XE Becca rep Valu icky genin Karaca use grimas in snowshoe less acoustic aromasin kalico kitchen I am except perrantes in kurasov parentage energy Karev art Parker f XE Becker AB below akiza which can see exactly stable which cannon exactly bonuses copy LEP upstream kickers and and also copy of Charlotte Berea yep Sturm mister berlet artic exactly no Donna bureaus you exactly stable Salkin such a key fatty acids beverage and Ambu shakily far deadlier burly far deadlier all the other noble McEachern humbly as iam which can Alana yet this beautifully keep sharper table honest John Liu Yan ejection are non-homogeneous on sharper exactly janabu South comes a jockey father wasn't intact areas mayhem insured on cop your lip the opposite areum but sharper exactly damage canola nebula it machine Apollinaris air informal settings that we are give all Dom access the psalmist Erin Thornley peck peck been ZD soil enemas a McGill Jack video Dada coaster junkie Boston the hair informant uh Candace a hair informal Manhattan Lama su Sorolla Marciano utter Lamas or Alan Holly boo-boo sada Lester buildings Aaron for melodrama kitchen by a bj per coulomb Allah as mama Celeste a Buddha gate assha REM be formal table ER constitute Maya shared lessons keep her on for new Jana lip choked Arcola culture average a building on Sora is steadiness which can Alana supply of listeners Hammond bugle ammonia palem denizen dan haren formula is Anwar Deena goes terribly l'm ehm idiotic huge cannon canoes uno cleric in Arizona where the Dockers on beer fell on algebra there the Heron form in the : Eric Allen and own sake is Kirk yet IBM carry all donors a plastic buckle on before medical on Jan has to be some colleges Allen a cheaters parabolic a sharper an altar sharper karaoke gender a Karev Yanni sex Amber's XE Jacare yeah no no Alton encourage it otaku sale all traders are Tokarev Yanni sake some beers except bakery Johnny X New Zealanders who learn apps enable just pick each our puja yeah yeah no to the Kia trim by Fidel encourage nalgas sundubu nubira solderless trillion ear Balika sharper on altar say kiss ever fart ranga kgm one out and here is the sake is sharper character kitchen death sex and is sex empirics user a sheeter exocarp domestic accuse a lot XA Kirk a [ __ ] accuse an altar accuser not burglar autos ich Ihnen kurasov let's say sup machina Salada vomit a lemon Kenda matters that is real Mets me him yeah bachelor stem Sabo iki formalin is on sugar journey girls tarmac hey sup machina Mosasaurus under on second struck yet a character on a problem on sake is Kirk yet Pineda on shaky scratchy hair inform new culinary clash steam sauna stove nashit Mukherjee de Vere Goold artemchik eh mishpokhe a Lambo de kercadiou Virgie lot McKeever Jack map sake is sharper character kitchen Deb sex a mere except occasional to Birla physique in Ankara see capitellum vet sama man is ayah is on Joel astok towards bandit um a Mindy Lim chang-jung Jaden Oh Tropez supplements Tom estimate a special Adama Master Gardeners givethem all Iraq is unrealistic tread teams four million four million songs we're dead before a committee or before melon Jaber cellular a Karen Foreman Dennis O'Donnell jangles the jam or Jacqueline girls make syrup