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Ana içerik

Ünite 2: 2. Modül: Vektörler ve matrisler

Kazanılabilecek ustalık puanı: 800

Bu ünite hakkında:

"Module 2 extends the concept of matrices introduced in Module 1. Students look at incidence relationships in networks and encode information about them via high-dimensional matrices. Matrix properties are studied as well as the role of the zero and identity matrices. Students then use matrices to study and solve higher order systems of equations. Vectors are introduced, and students study the arithmetic of vectors and vector magnitude. The module ends as students program video games using matrices and vectors." Eureka Math/EngageNY (c) 2015 GreatMinds.org

Yukarıdaki konularda kendinizi geliştirin ve 160 puana kadar Ustalık Puanı kazanın.
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Bu ünitedeki tüm konularda kendinizi geliştirin ve 800 puana kadar Ustalık Puanı kazanın!